Category Results

Vegas 450 Thank You’s and Scores

January 12, 2014 GeneralResults

Thanks to Bill and Tony at Wildcat Archery for hosting the vegas 450 round. A lot of folks came out and had a good time. I think Tony is posting photos on the club's Facebook page, or Widcat Archery's Facebook page! A Big Thank You to Micheal Cain for coming down and flinging some arrows with us, hope you had a safe ride home! And Thank You to everyone else that came and shot and or watched. Now for the Scores. You may have to click on (Read More) to see all the Scores

Tim Meyer                     448
Cliff Rose                        445
Craig Davis                    442
Micheal Cain                 441
Ignacio Palacio            440
Ralph Moore                 433
Steve Middleton          427
Danny Sharpe               425
Jack O'Donnell            

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Trash Shoot Thank You’s and Scores

August 26, 2013 GeneralResults

I would like to Thank Everyone that came out and shot with us and Hope you all had a good time! Being this was the last scheduled shoot of the year I would like to also Thank Everyone that came out through out the year and hope we were able to help new shooters to see that Archery is a Fun, Relaxing, and sometimes a Therapeutic sport to take up and enjoy! Archery is a sport for all ages.
As for the scores the shoot must have been to easy (for some) there were some good scores turned in! with scoring being 10, 5, 0, -5, -10  some folks did not fare so good. The DNR has asked for all the names of the shooters that had negatives on there score cards so they can turn down their hunting licence request(JK), Thank Again!

Stevie Thomas           185
Kyle Koskela      

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Club Members Go To GBAA State 3-D in Gainesville, Ga.

August 11, 2013 GeneralResults

Jack, James, Buster and myself went up to Gainesville to shoot the GBAA State 3-D.  We all had a good time and the 3-D range in the hills of Gainesville make for one heck of a range to shoot, it was a fun shoot with some great folks up there at Gainesville did a great job hosting this shoot, for that I say Thank You and Great Job!!
Here are the photos I have, and  scores are posted!!!

state 3-d 2013

O Yah, and Happy Birthday to James Padgett Jr. see photo......

Click read more to see photos and pull up Scores in PDF

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August 4th Thank You and Scores

August 4, 2013 GeneralResults

I would like to Thank everyone that came out and shot with us Today. Hope everyone had a good time and ate some food, and made some new friends. Now what everyone want's the scores.

You may have to click Read More to see all the scores

Buck Moore          180
Tim Meyer            178

Derick Horne              184
James Padgett Jr.     182
Ricky Diederich        180

Brian Boyd                 182
Paul Keen                   179
Steve Middletom    165

Jack O'Donnell            177
Bill Shurling                 162
Daryl Habel                 149
Bobby Barrow            146

Crystal Abel             151
Sarah Reid                144

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Ogeechee Open Thank Yous

July 21, 2013 GeneralResults

Thank You to everyone that came out and shot with us today! As for this year what would it be with out a little rain (OK a lot of rain) Thank you for your patients with the rain, and the score tabulations. I hope everyone had a good time.  Now to the scores.


Bill Henneman                 288
Kerry Hall                         275
Troy Hall                          274
Scott Hall                         272
Steve Middleton           250

Buster Marrall               274
James Padgett               251
Barry Zarb                      235

Bill Shurling                   255  8x
Jack O'Donnell              255  7x
Daryl Habel                  

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1 14 15 16 17 18 25

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