June 24th 3D Thank Yous and Scores
Thank You to all that came out and shot with us Today! Hope the heat was not to bad. Thanks to the club members that cam out and help set up, and Thank You to Buster and Krissy for the help to put every thing up when we walked off to an empty range. The July 8th shoot will be the last shoot of the year for the club. All other shoots and meeting are canceled on our schedule for the rest of the year. Now the Scores
Kyle Koskela 204
Buster Marrall 200 (3)
Tony Millsap 200 (2)
James Godlowski 199
Jenna Ason 177SENIOR KNOWN
Steve Middleton 196 (4)
Tommy Jenkins 196 (2)
Buck Moore 185
Daryhl Habel 181
Bob Koskela 175
Bryce Simons 168UNLIMITED
Ricky Diederich 177
James Padgett jr. 168BOWHUNTER
Josh Sines 172PRACTICE
Krissy Marrall 201