March 24th 3-D Thank You & Scores
Thank You to everyone that came out and shot with us today, weather was great wish I could have been there. Thank You to the set up crew for a quick set up of the range. Hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed some food too. Now the Scores!
Danny Sharpe 204 $51.00
Bill Henneman 203 $30.00
Tony Millsap 202 $20.00
James Godlewski 201 $13.00
Donnie Abbott 199
Bob Koskela 198
Kyle Koskela 197
Todd Spindler 197
James Padgett 192
Jenna Ason 186
Landon Wilson 186
Alex Freeman 186
Derek Horn ncSENIORS
Daryhl Habel 139
Bobby Barrow ncBOWHUNTER
Brad McAbee 188 Shoot off winner
Ernie Ahr 188
David Shuman 157
Melissa Shuman 77PRATICE
Walter Rush
Craig Davis
Brian Boyd