Congratulations to Tim Meyer Winner of the 2011 Ogeechee Open Over All!
July 31, 2011 Results
After the Target Round we had 17 in the running for the over all. After the handicapping was done, 9 shooters were with in 4 points of each other at the top of the list to Start the 3-D Round! After it was over Tim Meyer was the Winner! Here is the Scores.
Tim Meyer 502
Ashley Cowert 494
Ralph Moore 488
Bill Henneman 486
Jack O'Donnell 486
Paul Lentz 485
Stevie Thomas 484
Bob Koskela 483
Tony Millsap 480
James Padgett Jr. 474
Justin Crowlry 472
Derrick Horne 458
Kendall Jenkins 454
Kyle Koskela 453
Shannon Thomas 451
Anna Lentz 448
Bobby Barrow 392
Thank You to All
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Ogeechee Open 3-D Round
July 31, 2011 Results
Ashely Cowart 198
Ralph Moore 193
Paul Lentz 192
Stevie Thomas 190
Bill Henneman 190
Bob Koskela 189
Tony Millsap 186
Justin Crowley 177
Tim Meyer 206
Ricky Diederich 186
James Padgett Jr. 183
Derrick Horne 167
Kendalle Jenkins 163
Shannon Thomas 162
Jeremy Hood 148
Jared Cooper 111
Mark Lauber 169
Ogeechee Open International Round
July 31, 2011 Results
Bill Henneman 284
Ashley Cowart 283
Justin Crowley 280
Ralph Moore 278
Stevie Thomas 277
Tony Millsap 276
Bob Koskela 276
Paul Lentz 271
Bowhunter Freestyle
Tim Meyer 283
James Padgett jr. 265
Kendalle Jenkins 263
Derrick Horne 262
Mark Lauber 265
Shannon Thomas 257
Jack O'Donnell 257
Bobby Barrow 236
Young Adult
Kyle Koskela 235
Anna Lentz 255
Practice Round
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Hit Again!!!!!
July 29, 2011 General
Well those #@%#*#&$&$ Thief hit again last night at the range, cut the lock out and took all the metal again! Bobby and I got the door fixed again but we will soon be adding a 8" steel channel across the doors!
But the shoot will go on, new rebar is being picked up and we will survive!
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Ogeechee Open
July 28, 2011 General
We will need help on Sunday to set up the targets for the Open. Please show up at 7:00 am as we will set the 3D and target course in the morning. The 3D will start at 1pm and will be a shotgun start.
Thank You
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