2011 GBAA Spring Turkey Scores!

April 16, 2011 Results

Final Scores for April 16-17, 2011


1  Craig Davis                          192   214   406

John Fiedler                      205  200   405   13-12s

Steven Williamson Sr.   204   201   405  11-12s

Kenneth McKie                194   208   402

Charles Cumber              205   187   392

Bill Henneman                202   184   386

Darren Meadows           189   195   384

Anthony Millsap            181   202   383

9  Ashley Cowart                190   190   380

10 Kerry Hall                        183   180   363

11 Troy Hall                            175   185   360

12 Joshua Roberts               165   181   346

13 David Moore                    160    INC. 346


1  Frankie Mccauley            145   185   330


1   Justin Crowley                  190   194   384

Ricky Diederich                193   176   369

Todd Spindler                    178   184   362

James Padgett                   159   191   350

Adam Fulton                      160   180   340

Jamey Jones                       155   183   338

Tim Wehner                        174   162   336

Stephen Bowen                  131   179   310

Ronald Hall                         108   138  246

10 Greg Ledger                        168   Inc. 168


Rebecca  Neal                        152   173   325

Judy Fulton                           128   149   277

Traditional  Wood on Wood

Bobby Barrow                        101   102   203

Senior Male  RLS

Jack O’Donnell                      175   176   351

Tom  Coleman                        Inc.

Guest Class

Staci McKie                            178   171   349

Young Adult

Scott Hall                               201   207   408

Chance Hall                          191   191    382

Youth MFS

Gunner Fulton                      155  159   314


Kaleb Harris                          116   127   243


Ansleigh Wilk                       210   210   420


Tim Boykin                          199   218    417

Walter Rush                       205    198   403

Wade Smith IV                  175   197   372

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